We Will Serve the Lord

I have taken a few weeks off from my usual blog posts. The only reason has been to catch up on some additional studying needed in the area of Biblical Counseling as the needs in our community of Bristol are great and the Lord does wish us to be ready to love our neighbors. Most recently I have been studying through the Book of Joshua. This is part of my Bible study/reading plan, but in addition I have been preparing for a late summer and early fall sermon series on about Joshua. Joshua is an exciting book, while at the same time a deeply convicting book, should we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in us while studying God’s Word.

Chapter 24 in the Book of Joshua struck me. There is a passage that shall we say is a favorite Christian talking point. “But as for my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). I have seen this on many posters, paintings, coffee mugs, and tee-shirts. It truly is a great saying, but what surrounds this statement? Joshua had issued this as part of a warning to the nation of Israel. Throughout his life, Joshua, had seen the nation of Israel go through many ups and downs. Chapter 24 after all, is a review given by Joshua of Israel’s history. If I reflect back on my life I remember when I was first saved and would read the stories of how Israel would have the great moments in God’s presence and then simply revolt, rebel, and turn from God. I mean, really, how could they do that? At this point you may see where I am going with this. My actions at many times in my life seem very similar to what Israel did.

I would encourage a reading of Joshua 24. Note as you start off just in verses three through six who has done everything. The “I” refers to the activities of God. I arrived at a simple conclusion when I wrote the words in my journal, “without the Lord nothing of note is truly possible, He is mighty!” When you continue on in reading up through verse twelve, look at God and try to fathom how good, how mighty, how loving, and how powerful He is. The Holy Spirit really hit me as I read verse fifteen, the most “famous” verse. My words as I quote myself from my journal were, “It seems and easy answer Lord. I am sorry that I cannot answer this 100% as I look over the span of my life. I want to bring you glory.” Today let the prayer of all of us be, “Lord let my life bring glory to you.”

So, what is my point here in this blog today? God loves us, without a doubt. God is mighty and to be revered and yes feared, as He is God. We are called to live a life that brings Him glory. In doing that we will never be perfect, until that day of glorification when as believers we are fully restored and in His presence. Yes, as Joshua states, “let our homes serve the Lord.” Let us strive to be all that God wants us to be, and in so doing let us realize that we are dependent on Him for every good thing. God bless each one of you.