The Big Game Recap

I am sure many of us watched the “Big Game” yesterday and as I did, I am sure many enjoyed the game. But, like any big event it seems as though controversy surrounded it. It appears that the halftime show was inappropriate. Now, I am far from perfect, but I did have a pretty good idea that it was not anything that I would want to watch. So, what I know about it I have gleaned from the comments of others and reading the various accounts of it in the media. I think that we can say without a doubt what took place at halftime during the game was not something that Christians were or should be comfortable watching.

Now of course, as we look at other aspects of the game, we can find many things to celebrate. I was drawn to root for Kansas City as I heard many reports of the faith of their quarterback, Pat Mahomes and of the Hunt family, who owns the team. I am sure that there are many players on San Francisco who also have a strong faith in the Lord, but it seems that Pat Mahomes captured the medias attention and it was his faith that was reported upon.

As I have thought about the public faith of Pat Mahomes, I was drawn to Matthew 10:33. The words that Jesus spoke are, “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:33 NASB). Please know that I am not saying that the players whose faith was not reported on were denying Christ. I am not saying that but rather I am taking this passage and looking at myself. Perhaps you say, “It is easy for you to let people know your faith in Christ because you are a pastor.” Those who know me do know that and sometimes it is those very people who may not want to always talk to me because they assume, I will just begin asking them why they do not attend church or why they missed this past Sunday.

I am looking at Matthew 10:33 and thinking about the times the Holy Spirit was moving me to share Christ with somebody and for whatever reason I was not listening, or I chose to not respond. Is that what Jesus is referring to in His statement on those who deny Him? Perhaps you are wondering where I am going with this blog post? What about as Christians if instead of railing against about how bad the halftime show was, we instead look at the example by Pat Mahomes and simply speak joyfully about the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. And, for the record, those times that I denied hearing the Holy Spirit move me to talk to someone about Jesus, I have asked Him for forgiveness. I think I have something to share this week with those I encounter who talk about this past Sunday’s game. God bless each one of you and may you find joy in sharing the love of Christ with a world in desperate need of that love.