The Genealogies and the Sanctity of Life

I am sure this topic has been covered by many before in blogs, sermons, or commentaries, but nonetheless I am going to write about it today. Again, as I have said before, this blog is often taken from my personal devotional time in God’s Word. As I read the Bible from beginning to end, I take notes. These notes are my observations, my applications of the word as it applies to my life, applications of the word as it applies to the church, and sometimes, like last week, I may include a deeper topic where I cover something of interest to me. I hope these blogs are of interest to you as well. Should you ever have questions or comments please fell free to reach me at

This week I felt like sharing some observations on the genealogies that we find in the Bible. Now if we were hearing you as you read this, maybe we would have heard some groans. I do not groan when I get to the genealogies, I actually read them out load to practice my pronunciation. At times, if I question how to pronounce, or simply have forgotten, I will use Google to check my pronunciation. I arrived in the first chapter of Matthew this week and found myself reading out loud all the names. Why is this here? Why is this list of names here? It is God’s Word so we do understand that 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us why we should read it and study it.

My thoughts as I read through the list of names and the relationship between each person is of God’s Grace. God knows each of the people listed in Matthew 1 better then they know themselves. He knew them before the beginning of time, and as David wrote, “You wove me in my mother’s womb” (Psalm139:13). God had plans for each of the people listed in Matthew 1, much as He has for each of us, and much as He has for each life to come. God knows us that well. Moving from these statements I do think that we can read the genealogies in His Word and see abortion for the abomination that it is. No life is insignificant to God. Genesis 1:26 makes it clear that we are, and all lives are, created in His image. The genealogies that we read, that we struggle to pronounce, that we wonder about, point us to the fact that God knows each and every life intimately, because He has created each one of them. We cannot look at the genealogies without realizing that God loves every life, and the act of abortion, which is forgivable by God if the sin is confessed to Him, goes against the Word of God.

God bless each one of you. Perhaps this blog took a turn you did not want to read today. Sometimes I find in my study of God’s Word though, that is what happens as we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. God’s Word is “sharper than any two-edged sword,” so therefore we must expect it to cut deeply into areas in our world.