No Despair Here

I was reading and studying the Book of Galatians this week and spent a lot of time looking at 5:22-23. In particular Paul addresses one of the fruits of “self-control.” Of course, we know that immediately following his mention of self-control he completes his thought with the statement, “against such things there is no law.” Paul then continues into verse 24 where he speaks of, “crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires” (NASB). What do we really see Paul addressing here? We probably have read this and heard these verses many times in our lives, but what is the application?

One of the applications we can apply from the words, “self-control” may well be the addressing of feeling depressed. Depression starts with a few issues and easily spirals downward to where it appears there is no hope. No hope is where Satan is happiest. But hope is in God’s Word. There is an understanding that we can acknowledge when looking upon the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit produces discipline in us, when we are faithful to God, obedient to God, and look to bring Him glory rather then succumbing to the feelings that will begin the downward spiral of depression. Could that be the completing of something as simple as my daily tasks? The answer is a hearty yes!

If you are dealing with the overwhelmed feeling of too much to get done at work, too much to get done at home, too much to get done by a volunteer commitment…STOP! If you don’t stop for a moment the downward spiral may start and you may find yourself walking away from what needs to be done. Here are a few simple steps that might be beneficial. First, make a list (yes, a to do list), and include anything you may have procrastinated about and not gotten done. Then, here it is folks the spot where it gets challenging, get to work on the list in order to please God first, and also you will be pleasing those around you. The third step is to plug along through the list and get it done despite your feelings, and to be happy when you complete the list.

Maybe this seems hard to do and you are just beaten down and thinking, “I can’t.” Remember what it says in 2 Corinthians 4:8, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing” (NASB). That is the promise of God, the promise that He has made, and He is prepared to deliver on for you. If you read this and feel a need to pursue some struggles with your feelings and need a biblical push to live in the joy of God, please reach out to me at God Bless each one of you and may the light of Jesus Christ shine down into each of your lives.