Have We Questioned Him?

This morning I preached on John 1:43-51. This was the concluding text, as we have spent eight weeks working through the first chapter of John. So much happens for us to see in the first chapter and in preaching perhaps some are left to wonder if there is even more for us to see. The answer to that is of course yes. But is that not so true of all of God’s Word? Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joint and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” As stated, God’s Word is alive for us, and present for us no matter the state which we are in, or more to the point no matter the states that our hearts might be in. We so often find that depending on the situation our hearts can steer us in a wrong direction. Jeremiah spoke in the ninth verse of chapter seventeen about the deceitfulness of our hearts.

But as I look at the God’s Word as seen in John, it shows us how Jesus gets to the root of who we are. Yes, our hearts can guide us improperly in so many ways, but yet if we have made that commitment to Christ then our hearts belong to Christ. The relational aspect of our position in Christ is based on His work and not the work we try to do or fail to do. Look for example at John 1:46. Nathanael spoke out of the emotion of his heart questioning the messianic claims made in regard to Jesus. His emotions were even somewhat inaccurate in speaking of where Jesus originally was from. How about the second statement we see from Nathanael? He questioned the divinity of Jesus with the question, “How do you know me” (John 1:48)? Jesus knew Nathanael for the same reason that He knows us. He is God, He is the Creator of all, and the King over all things.

What is important for us to see is that in between the two statements which show a heart not in perfect alignment with God is the perfect, loving character of God. Jesus looked at Nathanael just after he expressed doubts of the messianic claims made of Jesus by another and just before he questioned the fact of the omniscience of Jesus. But the character upon which a relationship with Christ is built is His character. Jesus sees through the emotions that can envelope us at times. He sees through the veneer that we put up around us to hide our fears, our doubts, even our sadness.

How good is it that Jesus sees us when we turn to Him as one with no deceit? Have you made a commitment to Christ? If you have walk with confidence in knowing the love of Christ upon you. If you have not, why? What have you been seeking? Where have you been seeking? You see, Jesus has taken the initiative in creating you, and He still take the initiative in seeking you to spend eternity with Him. Do you know what our problem has always been? It has always been sin, and the solution has always been Jesus. Forgiveness is found in Jesus and armed with that knowledge we can repent and have our hearts changed. I want to offer encouragement to you that if you know Jesus let Him recapture your heart and be filled with all the joy that comes from knowing the One True King. If you are still searching, turn to Jesus, reach out to me and we can talk. Turn to the One who has always been seeking you, and yes, He knows all about You, but He has never given up on anyone.

  • Pastor Tom (pastortom@gracebaptistct.com)