Gotta Go

The past month of August was one in which our church took a break in it’s Wednesday night Bible study from digging through the Book of Acts. We spent time on some other biblical areas and of course as anytime Bible study takes place, we had a great time. But, with September upon us we pick up again in the Book of Acts. What I thought would be interesting for us in the startup was before entering into chapter 18 that we could do a bit of a review. In this review I focused on mission and on the church. I went and looked at Acts 1:8 and Acts 2:42-47. I do believe that quite honestly, in those two sections of Scripture we find a clear direction that the church is supposed to be moving in. If you agree with me about the direction of the church, then happily we can focus on ourselves, and to what new direction or place God is calling us to. If you do not believe that these two sections are about the church than you could well be out of step with the mission that Jesus left for His church. I know, I just upset some of you who are reading this.

As I went through these two areas again, I am excited for God’s people who truly believe in Him and desire to follow Him. We have been given the power of the Holy Spirit to achieve the will of God. The flip side of that last statement is that if you think those two pieces of Scripture are about what the church should do for you then sorry. But do you know that the grace of God can overcome all of our faults, assumptions, dislikes, and mistakes? Church is not about you or me. Church is a group of called out people who are to bring glory to God. If you have been sitting inside the four walls of a building, you have been missing out on what God calls you and the church to do. If you think that serving God is about waiting for new people to walk into a church and that your serving only involves doing something inside the four walls of a church building, well maybe by now I have upset you. That is okay if you are upset, because we have work to do and we can bring the Good News to many who know nothing about Jesus, yet think they are okay and probably on their way to heaven. Actually, not knowing Jesus would mean that hell is their final destination, and if that does not upset us then we have a problem.

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Do those final words of Jesus seem to be about us? No, I would say that they seem to be about reaching the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. I figure since I may have upset some who are reading this, I should go a step further. If you think evangelism and fulfilling the Great Commission are about showing up at church on Sunday and saying hello to somebody new, well sorry it is not. Yes, we always are nice to people just as we see in God’s Word in Acts 2:42-47. We are to be devoted to others, to fellowship, and to the breaking of bread. Do we see that? God’s Word does not give us the option to do one or the other, or to pick and choose the activities that we are comfortable with. We are called, just as the texts of Acts 1:8 and Acts 2:42-47 show us, to go to others and be devoted to others. Again, I will say, not one or the other, but both. If you are now reading this and find yourself upset at what I wrote, and totally disagreeing with me then I will ask you to read James 4:26. Is there fruit in your life? Have you answered that call that God places on each one of His people? Have you been attending church for a longtime and have never evangelized, have figured that it does not pertain to you? Be challenged right now and say, “Do I truly know You Jesus?” If the answer is “no” then I am glad I wrote this, and you heard Jesus answer that question. If the answer is “yes,” and you find that you have lost the first love that you once had, grab hold of it and love like Jesus loves you. If you answer “yes,” but have a placed a myriad of reasons as to why you do not think our two texts in Acts pertains to you, it is never too late to get right with Jesus.

Have I offended you by writing? I hope that I have because I have been greatly convicted these last months as to how my evangelism has not been what I know it should be. I do sometimes find it easier to care for the flock within the church. It is challenging to walk out into the world and share the Good News. But you and I both know how incredible it is to watch the Holy Spirit work in the life of others. The world needs Jesus. Lord, please use me in all my weaknesses and faults to bring glory to You and do all that You desire. May my life be all about You.