Feeble? I Think Not

I know that much has been written about the Book of Nehemiah. There is so much to be gained when reading this portion of God’s Word that can be applied to multiple aspects of one’s life. A leadership model is there, a reaction of how to stand up for the people of God, and even a way in which we can approach others to see the work and will of God be completed. Do we really need something else to read about Nehemiah? As I have expressed a few times in writing these blog posts, the fact is I really enjoy the freedom to write about what the Lord has placed on my heart. Therefore, I want us to take a short look at Nehemiah 4, and share some of my observations about this section of God’s Word.

The fourth chapter of Nehemiah opens with the people of God being mocked. Well you say, “that has never happened to me.” That may itself be a place you need to investigate. If we are doing something for the Lord, I mean actually stepping into what He has called you/me/us (we are all in this together) then do expect some opposition and possibly even some mocking. That can sometimes come in the form of statements like, “you will never get that done,” “nobody needs that,” “nobody will volunteer in that ministry.” Remember we may well be talking about what God has put on your heart for your church to accomplish. Oh wait, for His church to accomplish. Are we as His church accomplishing what we are called to do? Of course, in looking to achieve the will of the Lord, planning must take place and as well, the seeking of wise counsel must take place.

Verse two of this fourth chapter in Nehemiah contains a statement with a condition that should make you chuckle. Well, the chuckle might only happen if you have worked to achieve the Lord’s will in the past and know the power of having God in your corner. Let us be serious folks; if you have never stepped into doing the will of the Lord then you are missing out on knowing what it is like to have the Lord providing for you to accomplish His will. So, back to the statement of, “what are these feeble Jews doing?” Let us answer that question based on the condition of who is the doer behind the Jews doing? It is the Lord. The Lord is always with His people to see His will accomplished. That certainly sounds to me as exactly the opposite of “feeble.”

We have just covered two verse of Nehemiah’s fourth chapter. What can we apply to our lives from this? The mocking of those around you as you set out, in faith, to achieve the will of God cannot stop you. You cannot be stopped, and you certainly are not feeble when the power of the Only True God is with you. Fear is not of the Lord. Power is of the Lord. Doubt is not of the Lord. Confidence based on who God is, and what Jesus did is what can drive you. Take hold of all the promises and power granted to you by the authority of Jesus Christ that is shown to us in His Word and accomplish the greater things that Jesus has spoken to us about (John 14:12). God bless each one of you. Pastor Tom