Dry Bones and New Life

I am into week two of the blog and am a little late to post something for the week, but nonetheless here is the post with my thoughts. Vacation Bible School just came to an end last night here at the church and it was a week full of life in the church every night of the week. I read this morning in Ezekiel 37. A chapter of Scripture that many of us know so well. Life is breathed into those who were dead. The restoring power of God was put on full display for the profit to see and witness. Yes, this was shown to Ezekiel as a sign of God’s restoration of the nation of Israel, but I truly believe the prophecy is alive and active for us today.
Verse fourteen states, ‘“I will put My Spirit within you, and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken and done it,’ declares the Lord” (Ezekiel 37:14 NASB). There is a lot here to digest. Yes, we want the Holy Spirit to power us and reside in us, and to give us the power. That power brings life back into us when maybe we feel defeated or the world is pressing us down. The second half of the verse is just as exciting as the Lord promises to place His people on their own land. I see that placing as entailing a great responsibility. A responsibility entrusted to us by God. A responsibility on that land to love Him, to love others, to serve Him, to serve others, and to shine forth His glory that is present in us when He restored us to Him. As Paul said we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), and as such are filled with the Holy Spirit.
For those who were blessed this week by the young lives that ran through our church at Vacation Bible School, thank you and may the Lord fill each of you with His love. For those needing that fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit today, may God’s grace shine down and you and fill you with His refreshing love.