
I think that most of us remember the Advent calendars of our youth. My parents would put it up on the door of the refrigerator about a week before the start of Advent and then my sister and I would wait for that first morning to run down and open the little cardboard door to see what the message was. Then the anticipation would grow each day as Christmas came closer and closer. That was one of the many traditions and memories that I have from when I was young. I remember always wanting to move the animals and the wise men around near the manger scene we had set up. I somehow knew that we were not to touch Jesus, or Mary, or Joseph. Jesus was always the center and there is where we were to make sure he stayed. I also remember the classic Christmas shows that came on and also the books of the Christmas stories of the birth of Jesus. Always a combination of classics such as Rudolph, and Frosty but a message from my parents that we were truly celebrating the birth of Christ. The memory of Christmas Eve that sticks with me is the attending of service at midnight. We always had pizza for dinner, although I do remember somehow that Cheese Fondue was part of our meal. The midnight celebration of the birth of Christ was exciting every year.

I did not know much about theology, nor did I know much about the Bible at that time, but I knew that Jesus was the point of the great celebration. I think back to those wonderful memories and thank God that my parents instilled the truth of Jesus in me. There was a lot of celebrations, Christmas songs, some great gifts, but Jesus was always the center. How are we doing this year with keeping Jesus at the center of Christmas?

I was reflecting on the past four Sundays of lighting the Advent candles at our church service. We celebrated hope, preparation, joy, and love. This week on Christmas Eve we light the Christ candle which represents the adoration of Christ. I will ask the question again of how we are doing with keeping at the center of Christmas? My hope and desire are that you have been able to. Yes, I know that this past year of 2020 has been filled will a million and two things that may have or at least tried to pull us away from Jesus. If you are sitting and reading this and thinking, “Uh-oh, Jesus has not been the center of the year, and I kind of forgot Him during this Advent.” Just remember the message of Romans 8:1, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” I like that word “therefore.” It serves us a reminder no matter what has gone on prior in life, a few moments ago, or during these four weeks of Advent we are in the mighty and loving arms of Jesus our Savior. Yes, we might just say, “what a great gift I have.” I would encourage you to grab hold of that gift and remind yourself that Jesus has always been there. His presence has never wavered. We forgot to keep Him at the center, but the reality of the situation is that He is still at the center. He is not that little baby Jesus’ statue that I was not to touch or move in the nativity scene that I grew up with. As a matter of fact, He is quite the opposite of that.

Opposite? He is the King, Lord, and Savior of the world! He has never moved and is right there waiting for us to reach out and grasp hold of Him. What will the lighting of the Christ candle mean to you on Christmas Eve? The symbolism of the candle is adoration but let that light of Christ pour over you in a fresh new way. Adore your Savior for who He is. Remember He is your Savior, and He never changes and loves you dearly.